
Writer at heart.
Thinker by nature.
That’s me.

You’ll have come across my words and thinking on your food shop, eating fish and chips, buying flooring, a fridge or a frock (quaint word, that), on the TV and radio, on the bus and in your inbox. Probably scrolling your socials over your morning crumpet, too.

I’m passionate about the role words play in defining, building and reigniting brands. And in their ability to stir emotion, cause commotion and persuade wallets to open.

For more than six years, I was Head of Copy and Creative Strategist at retail specialist agency Whippet. Before that, I was the Copy Manager at John Lewis, trusted to oversee the words of one of the nation’s most-loved shops (I’d like to think I was never knowingly underwritten). Since I’ve been solo, I’ve expanded my repertoire into the (somewhat opposing) worlds of luxury and FMCG, well as writing regular digital and print copy for a well-known music TV co. All this means I’m happy to turn my quill - or keyboard - to most things.

When I’m not working, I can be found trying not to kill my houseplants, grinding spices for the perfect curry, hiking hills and attempting to out-fox my Scrabble club with my two-letter-word superpower. Sad to say, all remain a work in progress.

So that's me. Let’s get to the good stuff…