“Speak English!” said the Eaglet. “I don’t know the meaning of half those long words, and I don’t believe you do either!”*

Words. Funny buggers aren’t they? Here are some that intrigue, enlighten, charm, titillate or downright baffle me. I’m a nerd like that.

*from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.


It means to have a pleasant, flowing sound. And you know why this guy is so clever? It’s autological, that’s why. Which means it IS its very definition. Go on, say it out loud. See?


How can a word so small have the potential to get you into such big, big trouble?


So there’s canine, feline, bovine, lupine, equine, leporine, leonine, porcine… I love that there are adjectives for resembling all the animals ever. But if you’re describing someone who’s like a fox, they’re, just, well… foxy. Simples (and a bit sly). 


It just looks and sounds rather silly doesn’t it?


All the letters left the building except L who was left. Left is an oddball isn’t it? There’s ‘left’ as in ‘to depart’, and there’s ‘left’ as in ‘to remain’. It’s a word that contradicts itself - or to give it its fancy-pants name, a contronym.


It means to fall or sink heavily, and when you say it, it’s as pleasing as those puffy, fat, pink marshmallows, right?


I play a lot of Scrabble. But I’ve never been able to play this. If I could, and I laid it on all the bonus tiles, this bad boy would net me 1778 points. Word.


This one always makes me smile fondly. It was the first ever word played on the board in my Scrabble club. I’m not sure if the player meant ‘to tie’, ‘a tie’ or ‘it’s a tie’. One homophone. So many meanings.


Used by writer James Joyce in Ulysses to mean ‘a knock at the door’, this is apparently the longest palindrome (reads the same backwards as forwards doncha know).


A word so ugly you almost spit it out. It defies its definition of ‘feminine beauty’.


Yeah, not a word at all, I know. But long live the hyphen for making sense of stuff. King of the punctuation marks IMO.


Yay! Send me your favourite word - but don’t go showing me up with your design skills, okay?